Project Portfolio
Selected OPAC Projects: (95 Total, 5 on this page)
Sound Transit North Link - Value Engineering & Peer Review
Value engineering and peer review of the design of the North University Link extension of Sound Transit in Seatle, Washington.
Seattle, Washington. Value engineering study completed 2005
Cala Foods Store - Inspection and Evaluation
Engineering services in support of rehabilitation and maintenance of a 40-year-old thin shell concrete hyperbolic paraboloid roof and a structurally innovative catenary-slab parking deck.
San Francisco, California. Services completed 2004
Third Carquinez Strait Bridge - Design and Construction Support
A 728 m span suspension bridge with a steel orthotropic deck. The new suspension bridge replaced a 75 year old truss bridge across the Carquinez Strait.
Sacramento River, Crockett - Vallejo, California. Construction completed 2004
PEERC Research Study - Influence of Design Ground Motion Levels on Highway Bridge Costs
Performed a research study to determine the influence of design earthquake ground motion levels on highway bridge costs in California.
California. Research study completed 2004
Beijing National Stadium - Design Competition
Design competition for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Stadium
Beijing, China. Design competition completed 2003