Project Portfolio
Selected OPAC Projects: (95 Total, 5 on this page)
Building 113 at Pier 70, Port of San Francisco - Remedial Structural Design
Remedial structural design to stabilize the historical 113 Building at the Port of San Francisco Pier 70.
San Francisco, California. Temporary remedial design completion 2011
Hoover Dam Bypass: Colorado River Bridge - Construction Engineering
Construction engineering for a 1,090 ft concrete arch bridge downstream of the Hoover Dam.
Nevada-Arizona. Construction completion 2010
Iron Horse Trail Pedestrian Overcrossing - Construction Engineering
Construction engineering for a pedestrian overcrossing in Walnut Creek, CA
Contra Costa County, CA. Construction completion (estimated) 2010
BART West Dublin Pleasanton Pedestrian Overcrossings - Peer Review
Peer review of two BART pedestrian bridges consist of HSS Tubular Pratt Through-Truss.
Dublin, California. Construction completed 2010
South Bayfront Pedestrian Bicycle Bridge - Peer Review
Peer review and 100% plan check of an arch pedestrian/bicycle bridge
Emeryville, California. Peer review completion 2010