Stevens Creek Bridge Crossings
Mountain View, California
Google, Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
David Radcliffe
VP Real Estate
Sares Regis Group
901 Mariners Island Blvd
San Mateo, CA 94404 David N.P. Hopk
Scope of work completed 2013
Scope of work:
Construction cost:
About $12 million (estimate for the Charleston Road Bridge)
Services Performed:
- Bridge concept development
- Bridge type selection
- Preliminary design
- Creek crossing
- Building on PG&E right-of-way and transmission line corridor
- Building on flooding control levee
- Design for high seismic zone

OPAC was engaged by Google in 2011 to provide bridge engineering service to the Sares Regis Group for the Stevens Creek Crossing Project. The purpose of the project is to facilitate multi-modal, east-west connections between the existing office park facilities in the North Bayshore area of the City of Mountain View with similar facilities in the Bay View area of the federal National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center. Separated by less than half a mile, traveling between these two destinations is blocked by Stevens Creek, requiring a circuitous loop through City streets and Highway 101 to make a connection. The proposed bridge crossings, once constructed, will allow direct access between these two major office park facilities. Additionally, the project is designed to enable lateral access for pedestrians and bicyclists to the Stevens Creek Trail where none currently exists.
Implementation of the proposed project will require building vehicular bridges and pedestrian/bicycle bridges at Crittenden Lane and Charleston Road. Scope of work for OPAC included the development of bridge concepts and alignments for:
- Crittenden Lane Vehicular Bridge
- Crittenden Lane Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge
- Charleston Road Vehicular Bridge
- Charleston Road Pedestrian/Bicycle
OPAC also prepared a 35% PS&E design for the Charleston Road Bridge which carries two lanes of traffic with shoulders as well as small utility conduits and a reclaimed water pipeline across the Stevens Creek and the levees at Charleston Road without permanent supports in the levees or creek. The main levee span is approximately 280 feet long and consists of a steel network arch with concrete edge girders and transverse floor beams.