Peña Creek Road Bridge Replacement
Sonoma County, California
Sonoma County Department of Transportation and Public Works
Cindy Rader
Senior Engineer
Scheduled design completion 2019
Scope of work:
Design and Construction Support
Construction cost:
About US$ 3.5 Million
Services Performed:
- Preliminary Design
- Final Design
- Preparation of PS&E
- Bridge Engineering
- Hydraulic Studies
- Environmental Studies
- Bridge aesthetics
- Design of river crossing with endangered species
- Cultural resources assessment
- Natural environment study & biological assessment
- Section 4(f) evaluation
- Community outreach sessions
The existing bridge is a two lane bridge located on over Peña Creek about 4.5 miles north of Lambert Bridge Road. The most recent Caltrans Bridge Inspection Report for the existing bridge notes a number of structural deficiencies as well as being scour critical. All deficiencies and the scour critical issue will be resolved by the replacement of this bridge. The project consists of placing a new two lane bridge adjacent to the existing bridge and then demolishing the existing concrete slab bridge.
The proposed bridge replacement provides two 10-foot traffic lanes with two 3-foot shoulders for a 26-foot wide traveled way to conform to minimum AASHTO highway design standards. The existing bridge will remain in service while the bridge replacement is being built. The new bridge will cross Peña Creek on a skew to allow for a larger turning radius on the north end of the bridge. The new bridge is proposed to be a multi-span concrete slab structure. Construction work in the channel, including construction of new bridge piers and demolition of the existing structure, will occur during the dry season.
OPAC is the prime consultant for this project. The scope of work for OPAC included project management, complete bridge design and coordination of their design work with the environmental work performed by County staff.