OPAC Consulting Engineers

Bay Bridge HAER Recordation

San Francisco - Oakland, California


California Department of Transportation


Study completed 1998

Scope of work:

Historic Documentation

Construction cost:


Services Performed:

  • Provided support to the architect


  • Historic documentation of a nationally significant bridge

The 8 mile long San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge carries the only direct highway link between San Francisco and the East Bay communities. It was recognized by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 1955 as one of the seven wonders of the United States. From west to east, it consists of the San Francisco Approaches, the West Bay Crossing, the Island Crossing, the East Bay Crossing, and the East Bay Approaches.

The Historic American Engineering Record documentation of the Bay Bridge was initiated by the California Department of Transportation and the National Park Service because its seismic strengthening will irrevocably change its appearance. The narrative, photographs, and drawings of the HAER document capture the Bay Bridge at a moment in time and put its importance to the San Francisco Bay Area into focus. This is the largest Historical American Building Survey / Historical American Engineering Record (HABS / HAER) documentary project since the office was established as a permanent program with the National Park Service in 1934.

OPAC was engaged by the Prime Consultant Hansen/Muraka­mi/Eshima, and contributed to all three project components.

The project won the California Preservation Foundation 2000 Design Award in recognition of Outstanding Achievement in the field of Historic Preservation.