BART Substations Replacement
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Eric Fok
Etty Mercurio
Paul Van Der Wel
Scheduled construction completion 2024
Scope of work:
Structural Design and Construction Support
Construction cost:
Services Performed:
- Design coordination
- Final design
- Preparation of contract plans
- Construction support
- Coordination with other ongoing BART projects
- Coordination with existing facilities and fixtures
The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) has an ongoing Taction Power Facilities Replacement project designed to provide safe, reliable and quality transit for the future. OPAC provided structural design to the following Projects:
- Richmond Yard Substation Replacement Project. As subconsultant to B&C (now TSE), OPAC completed the design in 2016 and construction completed in 2018.
- Hayward Maintenance Complex Project, Substation F- Standby Power System. As subconsultant to TSE. OPAC is scheduled to complete the design in 2018 and construction is scheduled to complete in 2019.
- Measure RR Traction Power Facility Replacements Projects. As subconsultant to AECOM /TSE, OPAC is responsible for 2 traction power substations (TPSS) on the K Line (KWS and KMA), 4 gap breaker stations (GBS) on the M Line (MXQ, MEG, MCG and MWG) and 5 TPSS on the R Line (RCP, RNB, RBE, RAS, KTT). Design is scheduled to complete in 2019 and construction is scheduled to complete in 2024.
Structural design for the replacement traction power facilities includes:
- Cable trenches and foundations for traction power equipment and retaining/sound walls and fences at the at-grade sites
- Evaluation of existing beams, girders, walls, and slabs to accommodate the replacement traction power equipment, mechanical ventilation and plumbing equipment, ductwork/piping, and personnel/equipment access openings at the existing underground station sites
- Anchorage of traction power, mechanical and electrical equipment
- Seismic bracing of overhead piping, ductwork, conduits and cable trays