Evaluation Services
Selected OPAC Evaluation Projects: (31 Total, 5 on this page)
St. Johns Bridge - Seismic Susceptibility Study
Seismic susceptibility study of a historic suspension bridge across the Willamette River.
Portland, Oregon. Investigation completed 1996
California Toll Bridges Seismic Retrofit - Value Analysis
Value analysis on existing seismic retrofit design of the East Bay Crossing of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Benicia-Martinez Bridge, San Mateo Bridge and Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.
California. Value analysis completed 1996
San Diego - Coronado Bay Bridge - Seismic Evaluation
Seismic evaluation of an existing toll bridge as part of a state-wide toll bridge retrofit program in California.
San Diego, California. Evaluation completed 1995
Richmond - San Rafael Bridge - Seismic Evaluation
Seismic evaluation of an existing toll bridge as part of a state-wide toll bridge retrofit program in California.
San Francisco Bay, California. Evaluation completed 1995
San Francisco - Oakland West Bay Crossing - Seismic Evaluation
Seismic analysis of the West Bay Crossing of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. The West Bay Crossing is a tandem suspension bridge with main spans of 704 m.
San Francisco - Oakland, California. Study completed 1994