Design Services
Selected OPAC Design Projects: (50 Total, 5 on this page)
I-4/Selmon Expressway Connector - Independent Design Check
Peer review and independent design check of a multiple levels freeway interchange built by segmental method.
Tampa, Florida. Construction completed 2014
Stevens Creek Bridge Crossings - Design
Development of bridge concepts and preparation of 35% design for the Charleston Road Bridge.
Mountain View, California. Scope of work completed 2013
Floyds Fork Park Catenary Pedestrian Bridge - Design
Development of concept, final design and preparation of contract drawings for a 480 feet long catenary bridge.
Louisville, Kentucky. Design completed 2013
BART Warm Springs Extension - Design and Construction Support
Building 113 at Pier 70, Port of San Francisco - Remedial Structural Design
Remedial structural design to stabilize the historical 113 Building at the Port of San Francisco Pier 70.
San Francisco, California. Temporary remedial design completion 2011